After many years of motion picture watching, finally have a conclusion of this no.8 of the world's art. Thanks to all the film makers for their effort in creating dreams of mankind. Here we go...
1970's - disneyland's cartoon
1980's-tv series:
1. Magyver-inspiration of science application: you don't need a lab to test the theories - sources are just around!
2. Incredible hulk-a big guy/mind that can't control by himself... isn't that everyone hv this kind of experience?
3. Knight rider/Chips-i want high tech in my life... to show how human in progress everyday
Cartoon series:
1. Transformers - how could i forget these great giant robots in daily life? they might just surrounding you - and you will never realize it.
2. Thundercats-another kind of life, fighting the evil spirit to protect the universe... we just lack of this power in real world.
classic movie:1. star wars- the galaxy war between the good and evil, precise miniature of spaceship, cute robot R2D2, laser sword, super power etc, just a fantasy in old days.
1. Star Wars - Fantasy in the Universe...
2. Superman- the handsome, mature n strong body with super power, savor of the world.... who can deny him as the only one?
1990's tv series:
1. X-files - I want to believe... the truth is out there. yeah when can we know the truth of the whole world... or at least just let me know?
1991: 1. Tterminator2- judgement day is just can be any day... if on one care enough.
1993: 1. Jurassic Park - Great CG as a real things in virtual world!
1. Forrest gump- intelligence can't decide one's fate- you need to appreciate all you hv in you life. beside that just let others roll the dice.
2. 重庆森林-爰情如罐头,率性的随California Dreams 起午,
1. independence day- the end of the world, you will see the united of humankind... isn't it too late?
2. the fifth element- a colorful movie, n i like the flying cars all around the city.... could be exist in the coming days... no more traffic jam!
1. Seven- the sins of human, show in everyday newspaper, and we already used to it.
1. Titanic- a masterpiece of combine artistic and commercial elements, you will know what true love means.
2. Armageddon- sometimes you just lead by a computer graphics effect... since when u care about the feeling the sacrifice just like apollo 13?
1999, 2003:
1. matrix, reloaded, revolution - a new era of thinking - all u sense could be controlled by computer... just like video games, you know it's virtual but you can't resist to play it... or actually play by it.
2001, 2003, 2005:
Lord of the Ring: no victory without sacrifice, so long we never seen dignify in human soul.
Harry Potter: Magic is good if science can't help...
2004: I,robot: I want high tech in my life, not a horror threat. sometimes human better stick to the nature.
2005: Constantine: good and evil, the choice is in your hand.
1. Transformers: a dream come true movie to see your favorite characters in 3D, and wonder: will this kind of life last forever, or someone rather believe in spirit.
2. 300: what a free man should do? yes freedom is above everything.
1. Wanted: betrayal and bravery, you can another way of life, if you have extra ordinary power. what the f**k you done lately?
1. Transformers 2: another legendary movie which you can see many shadows of the director's work: Armageddon, Con Air, Pearl Harbour... TBC
1. Avatar: Dreams of another life...